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I Will Carry You


29.7 × 42 cm
11.69 × 16.54 in
350 DKK
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This art print is an 'Artists' Proof' print. It is part of the production process that ‘Artists' Proofs’ are made with adjustments until the artist and the gallery are satisfied with the print. The difference can be color profile, location, brightness, margin size etc.

Buemann's illustrations are created from thin black lines and focuses mostly on communicating difficult emotions in a simple way. She strives to cut right to the bone – No unnecessary lines. In every drawing she is trying to say a lot with very little.

"I have always been interested in people and often address people's feelings – rational or irrational – in my work. I use myself as a starting point but a lot of people recognize themselves in my work. I think it’s crucial that we don’t neglect our feelings, but that we dare to acknowledge them, which is part of being alive. I hope that my drawings can be used as a tool which for a moment, makes us feel ourselves.”